Do I have a Sleep Disorder?

If you answer yes to 3 or more of any of these questions, you should consult your physician about having a sleep study.

  • Do you snore?
  • Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing when you sleep?
  • Do you get sleepy during the day?
  • Do you have high blood pressure?
  • Do you experience leg pain at times other than when you are excercising?
  • Do you sleep restlessly?
  • Do you sweat an excessive amount suring the night?
  • Do you ever awaken with morning headaches?
  • Do you lie awake for more than a half hour before going to sleep?
  • Does your heart beat irregularly at night?
  • Do you tend to fall asleep during inappropriate times?
  • Have you or others noticed a recent change in your personality?
  • Are you overweight?

What happens in a Sleep Study?

Ballantyne Diagnostic & Sleep Center reveals sleep disorders by monitoring and evaluating patients while they sleep. First of all, there is absolutely no pain involved. Patients do have wires attached to them to monitor every aspect of their sleep/wake patterns. Patients are able to toss and turn, and get up to use the lavatory. The testing components are easily removed in the morning and patients can go about their day as normal (to work, home, or school). We offer an exceptional patient-friendly environment.

The patient rooms are very welcoming and patient friendly. Polysomnographic Technologists will then observe sleep/wake patterns, heart and respiratory activity and body movements from a separate Control Room that is equipped with the latest in computer technology. If there are any questions at all, please refer to our contact page.

Why is getting treatment so important?

For many people, sleep can be a probem. People who suffer from sleep disorders do not get the deep sleep that their body’s need to rejuvenate and reenergize. For many suffer’s, this results in lower quality of life. Not only can general daytime activities be disrupted, but patients who have untreated sleep disorders are likely to face serious health consequences.

The effects of sleep disorders range from mere annoyances to those that are life threatening. Sleep disorders have been found to play a role in high blood pressure, heart disease, poor work performance, and driving impairment. They can not only effect your health, but can interfere with a happy and productive life.

Common Sleep Disorders

There are about 85 recognized Sleep Disorders, most of which are treatable. These disorders can leave you feeling tired, drowsy, and unable to function well during your waking hours. Some of these disorders can actually be life threatening, putting strain on the heart and lungs that can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.

More information on any of these disorders at The National Sleep Foundation website.

Sleep Apnea
A condition in which an obstruction of the airway slows or stops breathing during sleep.

A condition in which individuals find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

A condition in which excessive daytime sleepiness occurs, no matter how much sleep they receive the previous night.

Periodic Leg Movements
A condition that causes people to have leg movements during sleep, often violent. The person involed is rarely aware of his or her own nightly leg movements.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
An unpleasant “creeping” sensation associated with aches and pains throughout the legs that can make it difficult to fall asleep.

More links for research:
The National Sleep Foundation
National Center on Sleep Disorders Research
The American Academy of Family Physicians (Disorders in Children)

How much sleep do I need each night?

 Birth– to 2 months age need 10.5-–18 hours
 2– to 12 months age need 14–-15 hours

 12– to 18 months age need 13–-15 hours
 18 months– to 3 years age need 12–-14 hours
3– to 5 years age need 11-–13 hours
5 to –12 years age need 9-–11 hours

Adolescents need at least 8.5–-9.5 hours

Adults typically need 7-–9 hours

> Data Source: National Sleep Foundation

What to Expect at the Sleep Lab…..

  • Arrive at your scheduled time. (8, 8:30 or 9 pm)
  • You will be escorted to your room.
  • The tech will introduce herself/himself and give you time to change clothes, complete paperwork and get comfortable
  • Tech will apply leads used to monitor your sleep. The tech will explain what they are for as they are applied.
  • Once the leads are all applied you can relax, use the restroom, talk on the phone, walk around etc.
  • We begin our studies no later than 11 pm. The tech will ask you to finish up whatever you are doing and get in bed before 11 pm so they can start the study.
  • You may sleep in any comfortable position. Sometime during the study you may be asked to try and sleep on your back so the tech can document your sleep in all positions.
  • During the night, if you need to use the restroom or need to get up for any reason you can speak out loud and the tech will come in to assist you or unplug 2 wires so you can get out of bed.
  • Wake up time is between 5:45 and 6 am. If you need to wake up earlier please let your tech know. It takes about 15 minutes to remove the leads.
  • Once the leads are removed you will be given some post-study paperwork to complete. After your paperwork is completed you are free to leave or you may take a shower and then leave.

Q: What are the rooms like?
A: Patient rooms are similar to a hotel room. They are calm, quiet and great for sleeping. We do not have TV’s in the rooms but we do supply DVD players with DVD’s and WiFi.

Q: Who is allowed to come/stay with me for my sleep study?
A: Parents and care-takers are allowed to stay overnight with the patient. We prefer that no one stays with you, as space is limited, but we can make arrangements for special circumstances.

Q: Does a sleep study hurt?
A: No. Sleep studies are painless. There are no needles, no blood, absolutely nothing that hurts.

Q: How do I get the results of my sleep study?
A: Your referring doctor will see you in follow-up and go over the results with you. Results are provided within approximately one week or less.

Q: What is an MSLT? How is it different from an overnight sleep study?
A: An MSLT, known as a Multiple Sleep Latency Test, is performed during the day, and is a series of naps that show the doctor how sleepy you are during normal daytime hours. This varies from the overnight sleep study which monitors any disruptions or sleep disordered breathing.

Q: Do you provide food?
A: No. You should eat dinner before you come. You are welcome to bring a snack with you, however, we do have some light snacks and water available. Coffee is offered to you in the morning.

Q: How is Ballantyne Sleep Center different from a Hospital Sleep Lab?
A: We offer the same procedure but in a relaxed, quiet atmosphere. Because you’re not just another number in the system, you will receive quality and personal care. Also, you can save money. You can expect to pay a lower co-pay or deductible than if you were having the test performed at the hospital. Our staff will check your benefits and inform you of what to expect to pay when they call to schedule your appointment.